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About NHS Volunteering

NHS Volunteering is the official volunteering website for the NHS in England. The website is free to use and is being delivered on behalf of NHS England by the NHS Business Services Authority.

The site is a 'find and apply' service, supporting the public to identify NHS Volunteering opportunities in their local area through a simple postcode search.

Who NHS Volunteering is for

People who are looking for volunteer opportunities can now search and apply for roles in one single location.

Recruiters can easily create, publish and manage volunteering opportunities. Organisations can also choose to receive application forms through the service, or they can link it to their existing volunteer recruitment advert process.

Why volunteering is important

Volunteers are crucial to the NHS’s vision for the future of health and social care. NHS England estimates that about 100,000 volunteers contribute to NHS organisations, and thousands more support the NHS through the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector.

There are more than 300 types of role in the NHS which attract people from all backgrounds. These include short term roles such as fundraising, as well as roles that could last for years, like running a hospital radio show or helping with administration in a hospice.

NHS England has developed a five year vision for volunteering.You can read more about this on the NHS England website.

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