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Organisation and prescriber changes

ICB restructure July 2022

From 1 July 2022, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have replaced Strategic Information Partnerships (STPs). Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are now Sub-ICB Locations (SICBLs).

You can find more information about these changes on the NHS Digital website:  Integrated Care Boards - NHS Digital

We have compiled a reference document comparing the new ICB and SICBL names with the previous STP and CCG names:

ICB name reference document (Excel: 32KB)

Commissioner and provider guidance 

Authorised signatories within commissioner and provider organisations (CCGs, NHS Foundation Trusts and Independent Sector Healthcare Providers, for example), are responsible for notifying NHS Prescription Services of organisational and prescriber changes.

This enables us to:

  • attribute prescribing costs to the correct prescriber and prescribing budget 
  • provide accurate and detailed prescribing information

Why notifying us about organisation and prescriber changes is important

The information provided to us ensures:

  • accurate prescribing and dispensing reporting by NHS Prescription Services
  • accurate transfer of valid prescriber details to Xerox (UK) Ltd (prescription form printing company) so that personalised prescriptions can be produced
  • accurate payments are calculated by NHS Prescription Services for contractors and prescribers

We can only charge the cost of a prescription back to the right prescriber and prescribing budget if we've been notified of the link between them. This is known as a cost centre.

Any changes must be notified to us in a timely manner, prior to the change becoming effective. 

We need to be notified when an organisation or prescriber is no longer active, or has details changed that would impact on our ability to correctly attribute prescribing costs.

Examples include a change of surname for a GP, or a specialist clinic moving to a new address. 

This makes sure that our systems hold up-to-date information prior to the processing of prescriptions.

Local Authority and provider guidance

Local Authorities and other commissioners of public health services must determine whether the service will provide medicines and appliances to patients using FP10 prescriptions.

Patients present a FP10 prescription form to a pharmacy or appliance dispensing contractor to access the medicines or appliances they need.

The cost of providing these NHS pharmacy services to patients is recharged to the organisations who provide them.

We invoice either the service provider or local authority for the prescription costs incurred by this service on a monthly basis.

You can find more information on this process on the following pages: 

Local Authorities

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers

Submitting changes

You must notify NHS Prescription Services of changes to organisational and prescriber data using notification forms sent by email to:

If a query arises as a result of the information submitted to NHS Prescription Services, an email will be sent to the original sender of the notification.

No changes can be made to NHS Prescription Services systems until we receive a satisfactory response to the query. 

More complex queries can be discussed by telephone, but must always be followed up with written confirmation of the action agreed.

Only notifications submitted by authorised signatories will be accepted. There is a senior authorised signatory in each organisation who is responsible for authorising other signatories.

Notifications sent by individuals who are not nominated authorised signatories for their organisation will not be accepted. 

If you need to change any organisational or prescriber data held by NHS Prescription Services for your organisation, contact an authorised signatory within your organisation who will be able to submit this on your behalf.

For further information, contact us by:
Telephone: 0191 203 5112

Business hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Find out about call charges


How and when to inform us of changes to your organisations

Sub ICB Locations

How and when to inform us about changes within your SICBL

Hospital/Foundation Trusts

How and when to inform us about changes within your Trust

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers

Information on managing the costs of FP10s where an ISHP procures services through a contract

Local authorities

Information on responsibility for the costs of FP10s issued by services commissioned by Local Authorities

Authorised signatures

Information on authorised signatories and how to inform us of changes to your list of signatories

Prescribing budgets

Information about setting prescribing budgets against GP practices

Hints & Tips and webinars

Register to attend our webinar sessions or read our Hints & Tips publication