The Temporary Injury Allowance (TIA) payable under the NHS Injury Benefits Scheme is no longer available to people who sustain an injury or contract a disease due to NHS employment on or after 31 March 2013.
On 31 March 2013 Temporary Injury Allowance was replaced by a new allowance known as Injury Allowance and forms part of NHS Staff terms and conditions of Service – Section 22 refers.
TIA is paid by employers to staff on authorised absence with reduced pay or no pay because of an injury or disease wholly or mainly attributable to their employment.
TIA tops up the employee’s income to 85% of the average pay they were receiving before their pay was reduced as a result of the injury or disease. It is not payable if the employee’s income is more than 85% of their average pay, and it stops when they return to work or leave employment.
TIA is subject to income tax and National Insurance deductions but not pension contribution deductions.
To qualify for TIA, an employee covered by the Scheme must be on leave of absence and be suffering a reduction in their NHS pensionable pay as a result of an injury or disease that is wholly or mainly attributable to their NHS duties or employment.
Applications for TIA should be made by the employee to their line manager or to the personnel department.
Entitlement to TIA is decided by the applicant’s NHS employer. However, where employers require assistance or advice in order to reach a decision, they can approach NHS Pensions for help.