If you travelled to the UK and required emergency treatment during your stay but did not have your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), contact your healthcare insurer in your home country to apply for a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC). A PRC will give you the same cover as an EHIC until you return home.
Contact details for EU, European Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss insurers can be found on the European Commission website.
You can also contact the UK treatment facility where you received treatment for help with applying for a PRC.
You can only apply for a PRC if the need for emergency treatment occurs during your visit.
You cannot get a PRC in advance.
If you have an S1
An S1 is a healthcare certificate that shows your state healthcare is paid for by an EU/EEA country or Switzerland while living in the UK and is based on EU Law 883/2004.
If you hold an S1 that was issued in the EU or Switzerland, send a copy of both sides of the document to us by email at nhsbsa.faregistrationsohs@nhs.net.
You can also send these by post to:
S1 applications
Overseas Healthcare Services
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle Upon Tyne
We cannot return original documents.