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SICBLs, ICBs, Area Teams and other providers news

Showing: 10 of 229 articles

What to include in the red separator

26th October 2022 What to include and what not to include in the red separator when submitting your prescription forms.

Drug Tariff Part VIIA Pharmacy Quality Scheme (England)

5th October 2022

This is an announcement on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care.

Drug Tariff - Transitional Payments

30th September 2022

This is an announcement on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care.

Directions for the Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Advanced Service (CPSIVAS)

26th August 2022 Amended Directions for the Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Advanced Service (CPSIVAS) have b

Changes to Drug Tariff determination - SSP034

29th July 2022

This is an announcement on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care

Endorsing Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs)

20th July 2022 If the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) decides there is a serious shortage of a specific

CPAF launches on Monday 18 July

11th July 2022 The 2022/23 Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework screening questionnaire will launch on Monday 18 July 2022.

Pharmaceutical form refer backs

27th April 2022 We have recently noticed a rise in items that are being referred back to contractors

NHS England and Wales Drug Tariff Online

27th April 2022 The NHS England and Wales Drug Tariff was made available online only in April 2021.

Community Pharmacy Hepatitis C Antibody Testing Service

5th April 2022

The Directions for the Community Pharmacy Hepatitis C Antibody Testing Service h