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Deferred benefits claim form (AW8P) online

This month the digital service ‘Claim my NHS pension’ went into Private Beta. The service allows deferred members to complete the deferred benefits claim form (AW8P) online. 


Our contact centre staff are helping to on board people to the service. So when a deferred member contacts us requesting an AW8P they are giving them the option to use the online service instead of sending them a copy of the form. 


We are monitoring feedback and will be speaking with as many users as possible to make improvements to the service as we go. This is the first version of the service so currently deferred members fill out the form online but still have to print off and sign the declaration (along with a witness) and send it in to us with any certificates we have requested. The long term goal is to fully digitise the whole process from logging in to submitting certificates online.


We will provide updates on progress in future newsletters.