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Manufacturers and suppliers news

Showing: 10 of 229 articles

COVID-19 vaccination payment declaration: January activity data queries

11th February 2021

We’re aware that some providers have raised queries about data for January activity.

Drug Tariff update - Fludroxycortide 4microgram/square cm tape 7.5cm

8th February 2021

The Department of Health and Social Care has retrospectively determined for December 2020 to February 2021

Drug Tariff to go digital-first this April

4th February 2021

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has adopted a new digital-first approach to the Drug Tariff

Detailed Prescribing Information is being decommissioned - update

3rd February 2021

The Detailed Prescribing Information (DPI) currently available in Information Services Portal (ISP) is

BNF Code Changes January 2021

2nd February 2021

The annual BNF version changes are due to be implemented with January 2021 dispensing data, planned

Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2020/21 Part 2 re-determination

2nd February 2021

Pharmacy contractors should note for Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2020/21 Part 2, that the declaration period

Drug Tariff delivery disruption

2nd February 2021

Information for dispensing contractors in England on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (

Detailed Prescribing Information - is being decommissioned

11th December 2020

The Detailed Prescribing Information (DPI) currently available in

Flu vaccine survey for pharmacy contractors

8th December 2020 We’ve created a survey to understand how many frontline healthcare workers have had their flu vaccine.

Adrenaline for anaphylaxis kits - a reminder from DHSC to Health Care Professionals

8th December 2020 A reminder on behalf of DHSC to conserve supplies of adrenaline auto-injectors for patients who need them.