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The new NHS Pensions Employer Toolkit

We’re always looking for new ways to keep our members informed about the NHS Pension Scheme, and part of this includes making it easier for you to communicate Scheme information to your employees.

We are excited to tell you that we have been developing an Employer Toolkit, which is a suite of materials you can use for internal communications about NHS Pensions, with eye-catching screensavers, QR codes with direct links to key content, and it also includes email templates for liaising directly with your employees about the Scheme.

This is just the start as we intend to evolve the toolkit based upon your needs and feedback. We will be regularly updating and adding to the toolkit in line with annual events in NHS Pensions, for example the annual release of refreshed TRS, and we will be including campaign materials throughout the year.

You can view and download materials from the Employer Toolkit here: Media Library. 

We'd love to know what you think and what else you might want to see. Please let us know by emailing: