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Childcare Allowance (CCA)

If you pay for registered childcare while you attend your course, you may get help towards the cost.

Who can get CCA

You can apply for CCA if all the following apply:

  • you get an NHS Bursary
  • you have children that are financially dependent on you
  • you use an approved or registered childcare provider

You cannot claim CCA if:

  • you only get the non-means tested part of the NHS Bursary or you’ve been assessed for tuition fees only
  • you are not using an approved or registered childcare provider
  • you get the childcare part of your bursary through Working Tax Credits or another publicly funded body
  • your childcare is fully covered through the free early years education provisions
  • your child is 15 or over at the beginning of the academic year (or 17 or over if they have special educational needs)
  • you're on maternity leave

What you could get

We may pay up to 85% of your childcare costs, up to a set maximum amount.

We currently pay up to:

  • £188.90 per week for one child in childcare
  • £323.85 per week for 2 or more children in childcare

As this allowance is means-tested, your entitlement may be lower. This will depend on your level of household income.

We may ask for receipts to confirm the amounts paid to you, so keep receipts for all childcare costs you pay.

Example of what you could get

If you applied for one child in registered childcare and it cost £250 per week for 40 weeks. The amount owed to you is 85% of £250, which is £212.50.

This is over the maximum set amount, so we’ll calculate your entitlement at £188.90 per week.

£188.90 multiplied by 40 weeks is £7556. This would be your maximum entitlement for the academic year.

How to apply

You can apply for CCA after you’ve applied for a means-tested bursary. 

You need to complete a Childcare Allowance application form (PDF: 279KB). You should then  upload your completed form to your online NHS Bursary account.

Further information

You can find out more about the Childcare Allowance in our guidance booklet Help with Childcare costs for NHS Bursary Students (PDF: 1.24MB).

You can watch a short YouTube video with information about CCA.