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An update from the Data Management team

Our Data Management team have provided the following updates for employers.

Duplication of Data

A high volume of data is being submitted onto the system when the original input has gone into error.  

If the data has already been submitted either by ESR or Pensions Online (POL) but information has not processed on the ADP4 - and you have not received a notification - information can be located in the SD55 area of the notification area on POL. 

If the member does not appear on either of these areas, please check if the data has created an error before resubmitting the information. This information is found in both the employer and NHS Pensions allocated errors. 

Submitting the data again will result in multiple errors being created until the initial data issue has been resolved. 

Emails to the data management team 

The team are currently focused on clearance of priority errors where a joiner, leaver or annual update has not processed, or where there is an issue with our member record. This includes exceptions 0056, 4222, 4223 and 8310’s (overlapping service, hours / sessions exceeding whole time and record corruptions).       

Expected response times:

  • amendments / updates affecting a pending award of retirement benefits -  within 48 hours from date of receipt of your email. Please use 'Award Pending' in the email subject to help us identify urgent queries 

  • if you do not have POL access and have an agreement to send us your data for processing - four weeks from date your email is received 

  • if your email is asking us to clear an NHSP allocated error without additional information, confirmation you are trying to provide information to the member via POL (service statement, estimate, refund or other information) or a payment is not pending - you will not receive a response 

In view of the volume of emails we are receiving, please see below a reminder of our email protocols.      

Please do not email or send an employer comment where POL error handling shows an error is allocated to NHS Pensions.       

The only exceptions to this are where:

  • a payment is due, and an error is stopping the submission of an application (AW8, RF12, survivor benefits)

  • information is being provided to the member by NHS Pensions (estimate, transfer value, service statement, pension on divorce details) 

  • you are attempting to provide information to the member via POL 

  • you can provide meaningful and relevant information to enable us to clear the error 

Where an email or employer comment is received asking us to clear a NHSP allocated error but the above does not apply, no action will be taken as these are already allocated to the team for clearance, and the email will be deleted without response.    

Requests for data amendments to be made that can be done by employers through POL will continue to be returned for you to action. This will include requests for employment deletions, rewinding an employment, opening a closed employment and amending financial and personal information, as these functions are available to you.   

The Data Management team will continue to work on all errors in line with our business priorities. Please do not request a TRS statement in lieu of awaiting error clearance. 

Once an email has been sent to the Data Management email account and you have received an auto response, please do not email again chasing up a response unless urgent. 

Incorrect information submitted on joiner form 

If a joiner form has been submitted with the incorrect start date or capacity code, and the record has not yet been updated or has only been updated to the current financial year, please delete the employment and resubmit a new joiner form with the correct information. Please note the contributions record for the first year on the SD55E. Please do not email the data team, unless the record has been updated for a number of years. 

Inputting annual update information on POL 

When inputting annual update information on POL, if a validation message is received stating the part time hours are in excess of whole time, please complete the form with the maximum allowed as advised on the form and refund any overpaid contributions back to the member. 

Once an email has been sent to the Data Management email account and you have received an auto response, please do not email again chasing up a response unless urgent.