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2020/21 non-Pensions Online (POL) annual update

All employing authorities (EAs) are required to submit end of year information to NHS Pensions on an annual basis.

Our Data Management Team will send the prepopulated spreadsheet to the main EA contact during the week commencing 15 March 2021.

This will be partially prepopulated and will include details for all members where we believe an annual update should be submitted. Organisations have until 31 May 2021 to submit this information to NHS Pensions.

If the information submitted has errors, our Data Management Team will work with employers to improve the accuracy of data before the cut off for the annual benefit statement, dates yet to be advised

Spreadsheets received after 31 May 2021 will be worked on a best endeavours basis. We are unable to commit to these being completed prior to the cut off. Comprehensive guidance notes will be made available to all employers.

NHS Pensions and Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and the Annual Updates

1995/2008 Scheme officer benefit accrual – the amount of service accrued while in the CJRS will be less. Full time furloughed members become part-time and part-time furloughed members reduce their part-time hours for the furlough period.

For example: a full time member contracted to 37.5 hours a week will be classed as part-time and deemed to have worked 30 hours a week, 80% of the 37.5 hours during the furlough period.

Employers will have to submit the date the member went part-time (due to the furlough) when they complete the 2020/21 update and confirm the part-time hours deemed to have been worked during the furlough period. If they cease to be furloughed during 2020/21, they must then also submit the date they returned to full time.

For example: a part-time member contracted to work 30 hours/37.5 hours a week is deemed to have worked 24 hours a week, 80% of the 30 hours.

Employers will have to submit a 2020/21 update confirming the deemed hours worked during the furlough period along with the actual hours worked when not furloughed.

Employer top ups to furlough earnings

If an employer has topped up the furlough earnings to the member’s normal pensionable earnings then for pension purposes they are treated as not being furloughed, and therefore do not need to be reported on the annual update

We are currently considering training events for organisations who may require help completing the year end spreadsheet. If you are unsure about completing this process in 2021, contact and we will look at how we can support you.

Further information and updates will be provided in our Employer Update.