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The NHS Business Services Authority is an Arm’s Length Body of the Department of Health and Social Care, responsible for providing platforms and delivering services that support the priorities of the NHS, Government and local health economies. Over £100 billion of NHS spend flows through our systems annually.

Our purpose is to deliver business service excellence to the NHS to help people live longer, healthier lives. Our vision is to be the provider of national, at scale business services for the health and social care system, transforming and delivering these services to maximise efficiency and meet customer expectations.

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About us

Includes what we do, our policies, how to contact us

Adult Social Care Enforcement

Supporting Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered Adult Social Care providers in submitting monthly data

Adult Social Care Learning and Development Support Scheme

Providing funding to help the non-regulated adult social care workforce complete training and qualifications

Data Services

Includes NHS data and reports to track trends and inform decisions

Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

Includes ESR information for NHS employers, contact the ESR team

England Infected Blood Support Scheme

Includes eligibility, how to apply, support , contact EIBSS

NHS Dental Services

Guidance and information for providers and commissioners

NHS Help with Health Costs

Get help with prescription costs and other NHS charges

NHS Injury Benefits Scheme

Includes scheme information, eligibility, how to claim

NHS Jobs

Information for employers and jobseekers

NHS penalty charges and enquiry letters

Guidance on enquiry letters, and paying, challenging and avoiding penalty charges

NHS Pensions

Guidance for NHS employees and employers

NHS Prescription Services

Includes dm+d, prescribing and dispensing information for healthcare professionals

NHS Volunteering

NHS Volunteering is the official volunteering website for the NHS in England

NHSBSA Statistics and Data Science

Official and national statistics produced by the NHSBSA

NHSBSA Workforce Services

Information on platforms and services which support our NHS people

Overseas Healthcare Services

Get help with paying for healthcare costs abroad

Provider Assurance

Support for contractors in Dental, GP, Ophthalmic and Pharmaceutical Services to meet contractual obligations

Scanning Services

Information on benefits of patient record digitisation, contact the team

Student Services

Information on funding available for eligible healthcare, medical, dental or social work students

Total Reward Statements

Includes Total Reward Statements, Annual Benefit Statements, employer toolkit

Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS)

Guidance about payments if you have become severely disabled after receiving certain vaccines