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Open Data Portal (ODP)

Our Open Data Portal (ODP) is the home of data we release to the public. It lets you:

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Datasets available to view

Ad Hoc Releases

National Performer by Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) Delivery for Financial Years 2016-17 to 2022-23

This dataset comprises information on dentists in England who were on the performers list and delivered NHS care in the financial years 2016-17 to 2022-23. It outlines the number of performers who delivered within different ranges of 'Units of Dental Activity' (UDA).

Regional Performer by Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) Delivery for Financial Years 2016-17 to 2022-23

This dataset comprises information on dentists in England who were on the performers list and delivered NHS care in the financial years 2016-17 to 2022-23. It outlines the number of performers who delivered within different ranges of 'Units of Dental Activity' (UDA).

Dental Activity Delivered by Newly Qualified Foundation Dentists

This dataset comprises information on 'Foundation Dentists' (FD) in England who have completed the Foundation Dentist training in the financial years 2016-17 to 2021/22. Along with the corresponding number of them that are still active in the following year and the number of 'Units of Dental Activity' (UDA) delivered.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) Volumes

This ad hoc management information release provides information on the volumes of HRT PPCs that have been issued since its introduction on 1 April 2023 until 31 December 2023.

Missing Scottish Dispensing Data

This ad hoc release provides information on prescriptions prescribed in England and dispensed in Scotland monthly between June 2023 and June 2024.

Community Prescribing and Dispensing

English Prescribing Dataset (EPD)

The EPD contains detailed information on prescriptions issued in England that have been dispensed in England, Wales, Scotland, Guernsey, Alderney, Jersey, and the Isle of Man.

English Prescribing Dataset (EPD) with SNOMED code

The EPD set contains detailed information on prescriptions issued in England that have been dispensed in England, Wales, Scotland, Guernsey, Alderney, Jersey, and the Isle of Man. This experimental version of the data contains an additional column - SNOMED Code.

Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) - Monthly Administrative Data

The PCA contains information on all prescriptions items dispensed in the community in England on a monthly basis and submitted to the NHSBSA for reimbursement.

Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) Annual Statistics

The PCA release is an Official Statistic with National Statistic designation.

The lowest granularity of data in the publication for both financial and calendar year PCA contains information on all prescription items dispensed in England and submitted to the NHSBSA for reimbursement.

Prescriber Details

The Prescriber Details dataset provides information on prescribers such as the prescriber code, prescriber name, prescriber type and details of the employing practices.

Hospital Prescribing Dispensed in the Community

This dataset on prescribing in a hospital setting which has been dispensed in the community.

The data is related to items prescribed and dispensed in England. The data only includes items prescribed by NHS Hospital Trust Units which have been dispensed in the community. Cost Centre data is not included in this dataset.

Hospital and Provider Medicines

Secondary Care Medicines Data (SCMD) with indicative price

The SCMD contains processed pharmacy stock control data in Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) standardised format from all NHS Acute, Teaching, Specialist, Mental Health and Community Trusts in England.

Dental Data

English Contractor Monthly General Dental Activity

The English Contractor Monthly General Dental Activity dataset provides information about the general dental activity carried out by dentists on behalf of the NHS in England.

English Contractor Monthly Orthodontic Activity

The English Contractor Monthly Orthodontic Activity dataset provides information about the orthodontic dental activity carried out by dentists on behalf of the NHS in England.

English Contractor Monthly General Dental and Orthodontic Contractual Dataset

This dataset allows you to look at the commissioned activity and contractual payments for all NHS Dental Services provided for each financial year, at national, commissioner and contract level.

Dispensing Contractors

Consolidated Pharmaceutical List

This dataset consolidates the pharmaceutical lists which NHS England has a regulatory duty to prepare, maintain and publish for each Health and Wellbeing Board area.

Pharmacy Openings and Closures

The pharmacy opening and closures data set shows the numbers of pharmacies in England that are included on a Pharmaceutical List held by NHS England on the last calendar day of each month.

Pharmacy Quality Scheme Data 2022/23

This dataset relates to the five quality domains and the Patient Safety Report gateway criterion.

Pharmacy Quality Scheme Data 2023/24

The Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) dataset, part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework, focuses on quality criteria in clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and patient experience, with 2023/24 domains focusing on Medicines Safety and Optimisation, Prevention, and Respiratory.

Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds

The Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds dataset shows the total payment amount for FP57 refunds pharmacy contract payments and the total number of pharmacies receiving FP57 refunds pharmacy contract payments for each Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Contractor Details

The Contractor Details dataset contains a list of pharmacy contractors across England.

Dispensing Practice Name and Address

The Dispensing Practice Name and Address dataset provides the name and address details of dispensing practices for each primary care organisation.

Digital Service Performance and Usage

Open Data Portal Usage

This dataset contains transaction and usage data on the Open Data Portal.

Immigration Health Surcharge - 'Students' (digital application) key performance indicators

This dataset provides the performance data for the Immigration Health Surcharge - 'Students’ Service.

Immigration Health Surcharge - 'Health and Care' (digital application) key performance indicators

This dataset provides the performance data for the Immigration Health Surcharge - 'Health and Care’ Service.

Overseas Healthcare Services - Cost Recovery key performance indicators

This dataset provides the performance data for the Overseas Healthcare Services - Cost Recovery Service.

NHSBSA Business Intelligence

NHSBSA Commercial Pipeline

The dataset provides details of the NHSBSA’s planned procurement activity for any goods or service with an anticipated value of £10,000 or more. The data includes details of the goods and services to be procured, anticipated timelines and common procurement vocabulary category details.

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests.

Data Release Schedule

This section provides an indication of the data release patterns and/or dates for the datasets published on the Open Data Portal.

The NHSBSA Data Services team also publish a comprehensive data release calendar which includes information and dates on many of the prescription and dental data releases.

You can subscribe to notification emails if you register on the Open Data Portal site. You will receive email notifications when new data is added or updates are made to any Open Data Portal dataset that you follow.


Release pattern

Approximate expected date of delivery


Consolidated Pharmaceutical List Quarterly By the end of the second month of the following quarter Q3 data will be released in February
Pharmacy Openings and Closures Monthly 4th of each month Or nearest working day
English Prescribing Dataset Monthly 20th of each month Working day after ePACT2 data
English Prescribing Dataset with SNOMED code Monthly 20th of each month Working day after ePACT2 data
Secondary Care Medicines Dataset with Indicative Price Monthly 24th of each month Within 3 working days of ePACT2
Secondary Care Medicines Dataset Retired No new data to be added  
Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) Monthly Administrative Monthly 19th of each month Same day as ePACT2
Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) Annual Statistics Yearly 19th of each month Same day as ePACT2
Hospital Prescribing Dispensed in the Community Monthly 22nd of each month 3 working days after ePACT2
Open Data Portal Usage Monthly 1st of each month Or nearest working day
English Contractor Monthly General Dental Activity Monthly 15th of each month Or nearest working day
English Contractor Monthly Orthodontic Activity Monthly 15th of each month Or nearest working day
English Contractor Monthly General Dental and Orthodontic Contractual Dataset Monthly 15th of each month Or nearest working day
Prescriber Details Monthly 3rd of each month 1st working day of the month
Dispensing Practice Name and Address Monthly 3rd of each month 1st working day of the month
Contractor Details Monthly 3rd of each month 1st working day of the month
Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds Monthly 6th of each month Or nearest working day
Pharmacy Quality Scheme Data 2022/23 One-off August 2023  
Pharmacy Quality Scheme Data 2023/24 One-off December 2024  
National Performer by Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) Delivery for Financial Years 2016-17 to 2022-23 One-off May 2024  
Regional Performer by Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) Delivery for Financial Years 2016-17 to 2022-23 One-off May 2024  
Dental Activity Delivered by Newly Qualified Foundation Dentists One-off May-2024  
Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) Volumes One-off February 2024  
NHSBSA Commercial Pipeline Quarterly July 2024  
Missing Scottish Dispensing Data One-off September 2024  
Immigration Health Surcharge (Digital Application) Key Performance Indicators – Health and Care Quarterly By the end of the second month of the following quarter Q3 data will be released in February
Immigration Health Surcharge (Digital Application) Key Performance Indicators – Students Quarterly By the end of the second month of the following quarter Q3 data will be released in February
Overseas Healthcare Services - Cost Recovery Key Performance Indicators Quarterly By the end of the second month of the following quarter Q4 data will be released in May
Dental New Patient Premium One-off February 2025

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