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Dental activity processing

Providers submit forms (FP17) to us detailing dental activity data.

The data recorded on the FP17 shows the patient charge collected, the number of units of activity performed, and treatment banding information.

Dental activity, error, and comment codes

NHS Dental Services check all FP17s to make sure the information included is valid. If FP17s have missing or invalid information they may not be accepted.

All claims failing our validation checks will see an ‘error code’ or ‘comment code’ returned to explain why. It's important to correct any FP17s that do not pass validation to make sure the activity is taken into account.

Dental activity error codes - including details for suggested action (PDF: 393KB)Dental activity comment codes  - including comment additional information (PDF: 210KB)Clinical Data Set (CDS) items and Treatment Bands (PDF: 252KB)Dental Activity Codes (9000 Codes) (PDF: 361KB)

WebEDI information

WebEDI provides a secure means of sending data between the dental practice management system and the NHS Dental Services. 

View our list of software system suppliers (PDF: 158KB)​​​​​