NHS Pensions is currently improving the way we process claims for death benefits. To help the process run as effectively as possible it is essential that the correct forms are completed and member records updated accurately.
Death in service forms
It has come to our attention that incorrect forms are being used when a member has died.
To clarify:
- AW9 – The completed form should be forwarded to NHS Pensions if there is a spouse or partner payable
- AW11 – The completed form should be forwarded to NHS Pensions if there is no spouse or partner payable
Employers should not complete both forms or issue any forms to nominees if there is no spouse or partner payable. NHS Pensions will issue the appropriate claim forms to any nominees for the lump sum on death payment.
Death on Pension and Death with Deferred Benefits
The following claim forms are to be removed from the NHS Pensions website and will be replaced with the Dependants Claim Form (DCF):
- AW9P
- AW158 (Both versions pre and post 01/04/2008 membership)
- AW9/2
Death in Service – Closing an employment down
A member’s pension record is to be closed down taking into account any outstanding annual leave entitlement. This is to ensure that the correct Lump Sum on Death payment is calculated.