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Data Services Portal Page Redesign

Updates to the portal page are currently in progress. The portal screen holds significant potential to offer users a wealth of information, and we're leveraging this to grant users swift access to various data realms.

Current Portal Screen

image showing the current version of the data services portal

Improvements to the data services portal

We've collaborated with users of our data products to enhance the portal screen for better functionality and information delivery. Over the past two months, we've gathered feedback to design a portal with improved navigation, enhanced information dissemination, and an overall better user experience.

New Portal Screen

image showing the new version of the data services portal

Reasons for changes

The existing portal screen falls short of its potential in providing comprehensive information. We aim to guide our users more efficiently toward their desired data, whether they seek access to our data products or wish to explore other areas of data. Our goal is to continually enhance the portal and transform it  into a comprehensive hub for all things data.

Release date

We released the new version of the portal screen on 1 July 2024 and eagerly await feedback from our users. Version 1 will maintain the current colour scheme and branding, but we have plans underway to refresh all our data products with a new, vibrant NHS design.

New NHS Branding Portal (future release)

Image showing the future version of the data services portal with new NHS branding

If you have any feedback on this change please fill in this snap survey. We look forward to hearing from you and stay tuned for future exciting new changes.