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Standard benefits

Both Officer pension statement and Practitioner pension statement show your standard benefits.

Standard benefits are an estimate based on the latest known information to show what your pension may be worth at this time.

If you want to take benefits earlier, you must have reached your minimum pension age. The benefits shown will be reduced for early retirement.

Benefits are only payable once the appropriate application has been made and accepted.

Officer pension statement

This is not an estimate of what your pension will be worth when you retire. Only members of the 1995/2008 Scheme can receive estimates for what their pension is worth at retirement. We do not provide these estimates for any other members but you can find out how your pension is calculated on our NHS Pensions Member Hub

You are not able to claim your benefits until normal pension age.

Practitioner pension statement

Estimates give an indication of the current value at the last update. You are not able to claim these benefits until normal pension age.


Find out about when benefits may become payable by viewing the member guides. These are available on our NHS Pensions website.

The hypothetical annuity cost is not a standard benefit. It is on your statement for information only.