There are 3 standard charges for NHS dental treatment in England and Wales. Information on charges in Scotland is available at NHS Inform.
You will pay only one charge even if you need to go to the dentist more than once to complete a course of treatment, but your dentist may collect this charge in instalments.
Some patients may be entitled to help towards their dental costs.
NHS dental charges
There are 3 NHS charge bands:
Band 1
The current charge is £26.80 in England and £20 in Wales.
Treatment covers:
- an examination, diagnosis and care to prevent problems
- if necessary, X-rays, scale and polish and planning for more treatment
Band 2
The current charge is £73.50 in England and £60 in Wales.
Treatment covers:
- all necessary treatment covered by band 1
- treatment such as fillings, root-canal treatments or extractions (having teeth taken out)
Band 3
The current charge is £319.10 in England and £260 in Wales.
Treatment covers:
- all necessary treatment covered by band 1 and 2
- more complicated procedures such as crowns, dentures or bridges
If you pay NHS dental treatment charges then find out that you’re entitled to free or reduced cost treatment, you can claim a refund. You must make your refund claim within three months of paying charges.
If you live in England
Download and print the HC5(D) form. The form tells you what to do. There is also a guide to help you complete the form.
In order to speed up your request for a refund, make sure that your email address is clearly entered on to the HC5(D) form, along with your name, address, date of birth, and bank or building society details. This will enable us to make the payment directly into your account.
HC5(D) dental charges refund form (PDF: 116KB)Guide to help you complete the HC5(D) form (PDF: 1.4MB)
You can also order a form online and we'll post it to you.
If you live in Scotland
Download and print the Scottish HC5 form. The form tells you what to do.
HC5 – Scotland refund form (PDF: 80.5KB)
You can also get an HC5 from your GP practice or pharmacy.
If you live in Wales
Call 0345 603 1108 (select the option for health publications) and ask for an HC5 form to be sent to you.
You might be able to get an HC5 from your Jobcentre, NHS hospital, GP practice, dentist or optician.