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Pharmacies selling Prescription Prepayment Certificates (PPCs)

If you are a pharmacy, you can process PPCs sold at your pharmacy in Manage Your Service (MYS). 

This is for both:

When you sign in to MYS, select ‘Sell a Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC)’ and you can then choose which type of certificate to sell.

Go to the MYS - Pharmacy webpage.

You can sell PPCs that cover all NHS prescriptions for:

  • £32.05 for 3 months
  • £114.50 for 12 months

Pharmacy teams can follow the PPC process flowchart (PDF: 152KB) for guidance on selling a PPC that covers all NHS prescriptions.

You can sell HRT PPCs for £19.80. They are valid for 12 months.

Pharmacy teams can follow the HRT PPC process flowchart (PDF: 152KB) for guidance on selling an HRT PPC.

Free NHS prescriptions

Before they buy a PPC or HRT PPC, ask patients to check if they're entitled to free NHS prescriptions and other help with health costs by going to

PPC start date

Patients can choose the start date of their PPC. The start date cannot be more than one month earlier or one month later than the date they pay for their PPC.

If the patient does not specify a start date, enter the start date as the date they pay for their PPC. 

Information for patients

Patients can find more information on our website at:

Pharmacy sales advice

For PPC pharmacy sales support, pharmacy teams can email or call 0300 330 1009, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

How payments work

You do not send any payment to us. We deduct the total value of the PPC applications you enter for the month from your monthly payment. For example, the Schedule of Payments received at the end of November for the dispensing month of September will show the PPCs sold in October. The total value of your sales of PPCs will be shown on the Schedule under the ‘Other’ section.

Make sure the ‘Date sold’ is accurately recorded. The amount deducted is based on the date sold not the PPC start date.

Dispensing prescriptions

Any time a patient makes a declaration that they are entitled to free NHS prescriptions, you must ask them to provide evidence as part of the terms of service.

If you do not see the evidence, cross the 'exemption not seen' box. Do not charge them.

Checks are made on free NHS prescriptions to prevent and detect fraud or error. PPC details are checked against NHS prescriptions. If a patient claims free treatment that they’re not entitled to, they could have to pay a penalty charge.

Change of ownership

In the event of the pharmacy changing ownership or closing, the pharmacist or owner must let us know so we can update our records.

All PPCs sold must be submitted using their ODS code. If the new owner wants to register to sell PPCs, they must register using their ODS code. Registration is not transferable, so no PPCs can be sold until the new pharmacy owner has registered.

Using the previous pharmacy’s login details to enter PPC applications will result in deductions from the wrong pharmacy payment.