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Accessing government supplied flu vaccines

GP practices in England can access flu vaccines that the government has secured.

2020-21 flu season

Access to government-secured flu stock in 2020-21 included a requirement for GP practices to engage in a post payment review of reimbursement payments.

On behalf of NHS England and NHS Improvement, we’ll be contacting some GP practices to ask them for additional information about their 2020-21 flu vaccine claims. We might request evidence from practices to support their reimbursement claims. 

You do not need to do anything unless we contact you. 

For more information about the post payment review, contact us at

2021-22 flu season

Read our 2021-22 flu vaccine reimbursement news article for more information. 

2023-24 flu season

Read our 2023-24 flu vaccine reimbursement news article for more information.