We will only accept a third party signature on benefit application forms such as, Part B of form AW33E, the retirement benefits application form AW8 and application to commute ill health retirement benefits form AW341, where the member has nominated the person to act on their behalf in respect of their NHS pension.
We are only able to accept the nominated person’s signature upon receipt of a suitable valid Power of Attorney or a Court of Protection Order.
Where a member has not set up a Power of Attorney, when signing the AW33E, AW8 or AW341 the member must be able to make a mark such as an X, or other symbol on the form(s) which should be correctly witnessed or notarised.
Important reminder for Terminal ill health cases:
For serious ill health when sending an AW341, please ensure when emailing us via either the Employers or Stakeholder email accounts, in the subject line you add “Terminal ill health AW341” so we can quickly identify and arrange for the case to be fast tracked.