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Summary of NHSBSA Board minutes - 17 September 2024

Meeting held at 9:00am on 17 September 2024 at Stella House, Newcastle Upon Tyne. 


Sue Douthwaite, Chair

Michael Brodie, Chief Executive

Kathy Gillatt, Non-Executive Director

David Leather, Non-Executive Director

Randeep Sidhu, Non-Executive Director

Mathew McKie, Non-Executive Director

Mel Tomlin, Non-Executive Director

Brendan Brown, Chief Operating Officer (items 24/113 to 24/136 only)

Darren Curry, Chief Digital, Data and Technology Officer (items 24/113 to 24/136 only)

Mark Dibble, Executive Director of People and Corporate Services

Andy McKinlay, Executive Director of Finance, Commercial and Estates (items 24/113 to 24/136 only)

Allison Newell, Executive Director of Strategy, Performance, Business Development and Growth (items 24/113 to 24/136 only)

In attendance:

Lisa Keenan, Deputy Director - Commercial Strategy and Partnerships, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

David Jukes, Head of Governance and Corporate Secretary (Secretary to the Board), NHSBSA

Chris Calise, Head of NHS Pensions Service (Shadow Board representative), NHSBSA (items 24/113 to 24/136 only)

Michael Costello, Head of Strategic Finance, NHSBSA (item 24/125 only)

Tori Hutchinson, Head of Delivery, Consultancy and Product, NHSBSA (item 24/121 only)

Dr Alison Metcalfe, Head of Professional and Clinical Services, NHSBSA (items 24/131 and 24/132 only)

Graham Mitchell, Head of Service, NHSBSA (item 24/119 only)

Hasan Mubarak, Performance and Benefits Lead, NHSBSA (items 24/122 to 24/124 only) (via video conference)

Clare Murdoch, ESR Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement (Shadow Board representative), NHSBSA (items 24/113 to 24/136 only)

Sean Murphy, Head of Commercial Services, NHSBSA (items 24/125 and 24/130 only)

John Nother, Chief Digital Officer (NIHR), NHSBSA (item 24/121 only)

Jeff Pasternack, SRO - Future Workforce Solution Transformation Programme, NHSBSA (items 24/122 and 24/123 only)

Ashleigh Peel-Lowes, Head of Strategy, Planning and Performance, NHSBSA (item 24/118 only)

Libby Pink, Chief Portfolio Officer, NHSBSA (items 24/122 to 24/124 only) (via video conference)

Neil Pragnell, Head of Portfolio Delivery, NHSBSA (items 24/122 to 24/124 only)

Kevin Richardson, Customer Experience and Business Innovation Lead, NHSBSA (item 24/120 only)

Justin Riordan-Jones, Head of Systems and Information, DHSC (item 24/121 only)

Dr Mark Toal, Deputy Director of Research Systems, DHSC (item 24/121 only)

Lokesh Shrivastav, Boardroom Apprentice (observer)

24/113 Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest

There were no apologies received. There were no declarations of interest raised in relation to the Board meeting agenda. S Douthwaite informed the Board that she had been appointed as Chair at the Melton Building Society, commencing on 8 August 2024, and that she had added this to the NHSBSA Declarations of Interest register in ESR.

24/114 Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 July 2024 and the NHSBSA Annual Public Meeting held on 14 August 2025

The minutes of the previous meetings were AGREED as an accurate record. 

24/115 Matters Arising and Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings

The Board discussed outstanding actions. 

All other actions were complete or not yet due. 

The Board NOTED completed actions. 

24/116 Chair's Opening Remarks

S Douthwaite welcomed C Calise and C Murdoch to the meeting as Shadow Board representatives. S Douthwaite welcomed L Keenan to the meeting who was representing DHSC.

S Douthwaite reflected on the publication of the Lord Darzi Independent Investigation of the NHS in England, and the alignment to the focus of the NHSBSA Strategy and the business's ongoing support of the wider health and care system. 

S Douthwaite highlighted the ongoing work of the Future Workforce Solution Transformation Programme, and the importance of the ongoing monitoring and support provided by the NHSBSA Board and Audit and Risk Management Committee. An update item was included on the meeting agenda. 

The Board NOTED the update. 

24/117 Chief Executive's Report

M Brodie highlighted key points from the report, including in relation to:

  • New Government and key appointments following the General Election
  • Lord Darzi Report and the 10-Year Plan for Health
  • DHSC/NHS England/NHSBSA Stakeholder Board meeting
  • Adult Social Care (ASC) - Learning and Development Support Scheme (LDSS)
  • Voice of the Customer
  • Colleague Strategy Update sessions. 

The Board NOTED the report. 

(Ashleigh Peel-Lowes joined the meeting)

24/118 Business Performance Update (including Strategic Business Performance Report and Operational Performance Temperature Check)

S Douthwaite reminded the Board that this was the first time that the Board had received the new Strategic Business Performance Report (SBPR) which was aligned to the new Strategy. The Board reviewed performance using the SBPR and the Operational Performance Temperature Check report. 

The Board NOTED the update. 

(Ashleigh Peel-Lowes left the meeting)

(Graham Mitchell joined the meeting)

24/119 Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme (VDPS) Update

B Brown introduced the item. G Mitchell highlighted key points from the report. 

The Board NOTED the update. 

(Graham Mitchell left the meeting)

(Kevin Richardson joined the meeting)

24/120 Customer Experience (CX) Update

A Newell introduced the item. K Richardson provided an overview of the report. 

The Board NOTED the update. 

(Kevin Richardson left the meeting)

(Tori Hutchinson, John Nother, Justin Riordan-Jones and Dr Mark Toal joined the meeting)

24/121 National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Overview

S Douthwaite welcomed the guests from the NIHR to the meeting. D Curry introduced the item. T Hutchinson, J Nother, J Riordan-Jones and Dr M Toal provided an overview of the paper. 

The Board NOTED the overview. 

(Tori Hutchinson, John Nother, Justin Riordan-Jones and Dr Mark Toal left the meeting)

(Hasan Mubarak, Jeff Pasternack, Libby Pink and Neil Pragnell joined the meeting)

24/122 Portfolio Update

H Mubarak, L Pink and N Pragnell highlighted key points from the report. 

The Board NOTED the update. 

24/123 Future Workforce Solution Transformation Programme Status Update

A McKinlay introduced J Pasternack. The Board welcomed J Pasternack to the NHSBSA. 

A McKinlay provided an overview of the paper. 

The Board NOTED the update. 

(Jeff Pasternack left the meeting)

24/124 Workplace Review Programme Update/Approval

M Dibble provided the Board with an overview of the paper. 

The Board supported the decisions made by the Programme, NOTED the update, APPROVED the rental commitment of £6.110m over ten years for Bickerstaffe House, and delegated authority to the Chief Executive to sign the lease with Blackpool Council, following Cabinet Office approval. 

(Hasan Mubarak, Libby Pink and Neil Pragnell left the meeting)

(Michael Costello and Sean Murphy joined the meeting)

24/125 Finance and Commercial Report

A McKinlay introduced the item. M Costello provided an overview of the Finance section of the report and S Murphy provided an overview of the Commercial section of the report. 

The Board NOTED the report. 

(Michael Costello left the meeting)

24/126 Employee Benefits Contract

Following discussion, the Board APPROVED entering into a call-off contract for the provision of Employee Benefits with Vivup under the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) - Employee Benefits and Services RM6273 framework via direct award and granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract. 

24/127 Lease Car Benefits Contract

Following discussion, the Board APPROVED entering into a call-off contract for the provision of Lease Car Benefits with NHS Fleet Ltd under the CCS - Vehicle Lease, Fleet Management and Salary Sacrifice Car Schemes RM6268 framework via direct award and granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract. 

24/128 User Centred Design Contract

Following discussion, the Board APPROVED the award of a 3 year (and 9 month extension, if executed) contract to Hippo Digital Limited for the provision of additional capability to support the delivery of digital outcomes, using DDaT user centred roles, for existing and new services delivered by the NHSBSA, and granted the Chief Executive Officer delegated authority to execute the contract. 

24/129 NHS Volunteering 2024/25 - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Data Processing Agreement

Following discussion, the Board APPROVED the NHS Volunteering 2024/25 - MOU and Data Processing Agreement with an estimated income of £3,452,562.17 and granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to execute the MOU. 

24/130 ESR Transformation Programme Financial Advisers - Contract Variation

Following discussion, the Board APPROVED the increase in the value of ESR Transformation Programme Financial Advisors contract with Grant Thornton LLT by £1,500,000, extend the duration from 31 March 2025 to 19 December 2025, and granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract variation. 

(Sean Murphy left the meeting)

(Dr Alison Metcalfe joined the meeting)

24/131 Corporate Governance Framework

The Board APPROVED the Corporate Governance Framework, which included Board Terms of Reference and Matters Reserved to the Board (incorporating Standing Orders), Audit and Risk Management Committee Terms of Reference, Remuneration and Nominations Committee Terms of Reference, Shadow Board Terms of Reference and Designated Body policies. 

24/132 Designated Body Annual Report

Dr A Metcalfe introduced the item providing the Board members with an overview of the report. The Designated Body Annual Report was reviewed and NOTED by the Board and the statement of compliance APPROVED for issue to NHS England. 

(Dr Alison Metcalfe left the meeting)

24/133 Any Other Business

D Jukes informed the Board that the NHSBSA had applied to continue to be a Boardroom Apprentice Programme host board for 2025 and was now awaiting confirmation that the programme would continue next year. 

24/134 Communications from the Meeting

The Board wished to thank colleagues involved in the launch of the new Adult Social Care (ASC) - Learning and Development Support Scheme (LDSS). The Board wished to thank all colleagues involved in the creation of the new Strategic Business Performance Report. The Board wished to thank all colleagues for their continued focus on customer experience. 

24/135 Forward Agenda and Training Plan

The Board NOTED the forward agenda and training plan. 

24/136 Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next Board meeting was planned for 17 October 2024 , and a Board Strategy Day was planned for 16 October 2024. 

(Brendan Brown, Chris Calise, Darren Curry, Andy McKinlay, Clare Murdoch and Allison Newell left the meeting)

24/137 Confirmed minutes from the Remuneration and Nominations Committee meetings held on 16 March 2024 and 10 April 2024

The Board NOTED the minutes.