We have adopted the model publication scheme and we publish in line with the definition document for the Health Sector (PDF: 162KB).
Who we are and what we do
- How we fit into the NHS structure
- Organisational structure
- Gender pay gap report
- Workforce diversity
- Information about key organisations which we work in partnership with (Word: 311KB)
- Meetings with pharmaceutical companies and other medical suppliers - not applicable
- Senior staff and management board members
- Location and contact details for all public-facing departments
What we spend and how we spend it
- Annual statement of accounts
- Budgets and variance reports
- Financial audit reports
- Standing financial instructions
- Capital programme (available in our annual report)
- Staff and Board members' allowances and expenses
- Staff pay and grading structures
- Funding (including endowment funds) - available in our annual report
- Procurement and tendering procedures
- Spend over £25,000
- New contracts over £10,000
- New tender documents
- Details of contracts currently being tendered - search for NHS Business Services Authority
- GPC spend over £500
- List and value of contracts awarded and their value - available on application
- Procurement projects - available on application
Our priorities and how we're doing
- Annual report
- Annual business plan
- Targets, aims and objectives
- Corporate Strategy
- Performance against targets (KPI) and our performance framework
- Clinical governance - not applicable as we do not treat patients
- Healthcare Commission annual check - not applicable as we do not treat patients
- Audit reports - available on application
- Service user surveys - available on application
- Data protection impact assessments (DPIA) summaries
How we make decisions
- Board papers agenda, supporting papers and minutes
- Patient and public involvement strategy (PPI) - not applicable as we do not treat patients
- Public consultations (for example, concerning closures or variations of services) - none to date
- Internal communications guidance and criteria used for decision making (process systems and key personnel) - find this in the service area sections of the website
Our policies and procedures
- Policies and procedures relating to the conduct of business and the provision of services
- Health and safety
- Pay policy statement (PDF: 444KB)
- Policies and procedures relating to human resources including recruitment and employment policies
- Equality and diversity policies and equality scheme
- Standing financial procedures and instructions (PDF: 163KB)
- Standing orders
- Complaints and other customer service policies and procedures
- Data protection, records management and Caldicott Guardian
- Estate management (PDF: 1.14MB)
Charging regimes and policies
Lists and registers
- We are not subject to any legal requirements to hold publicly available registers.
- List of main contractors and suppliers - available on application
- Assets registers and Information Asset Register - available on application
- CCTV (Word: 360KB)
- Any register of interests kept in the authority
- Register of Gifts and Hospitality provided to Board members and senior personnel
- Disclosure log
- Statistical collections
- Access to our data products
Other publications include:
The services we offer
- Clinical services provided or commissioned - not applicable as we do not treat patients
- Non-clinical services - find this in the service area sections of the website
- Services for which the authority is entitled to recover a fee together with those fees - see our charging regimes and policies
- Patient information leaflets and other booklets and newsletters - not applicable as we do not treat patients
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) - not applicable as we do not treat patients
- Advice and guidance - find this in the service area sections of the website
- Corporate communications and media releases
Trade union facility time
Find information about trade union facility time in our annual reports and accounts.
Information management
Information contained within the publication scheme will be retained in line with our retention and disposal schedules, which comply with current Department of Health and Public Record Office Guidance.
Any questions, comments or complaints about our publication scheme should be sent to:
Information Governance
Stella House
Goldcrest Way
Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
You can also email us at foirequests@nhsbsa.nhs.uk.