Access to PMD for:
PMD provides monthly financial information about prescribing costs against budgets. This allows the drugs element of unified budgets to be managed.
The figures shown on this report are for monitoring purposes only. They do not reflect the actual charge.
Data within the PMD report is updated monthly. Statements are issued every month and show:
- the indicative prescribing budget for the current financial year (not shown in April or May)
- total monthly expenditure
- cumulative expenditure (April to current month)
- forecast out-turn (based on information provided by the Department of Health and Social Care which is based on a spending pattern, calculated using previous years' spending data). The accuracy is determined by local factors at a local level (not shown in April or May)
- the number of dispensing days in the month and year to date
The annual statement produced for March shows the actual expenditure for the financial year.