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Invoice reconciliation data

Reconcile invoices for FP10 and FP10HP forms

To reconcile forms dispensed by a community pharmacist, you'll need access to the Itemised Prescribing Payment (IPP) Report and the Remuneration Report. You can find these in ePACT2.

View our guide on how to reconcile your invoice (PDF: 1.05MB)

You need financial level access to complete the invoice reconciliation process.

Information on the individual drugs which have been prescribed can also be accessed through ePACT2.

Information for provider organisations

Registering for access to ePACT2

View how to register for ePACT2.

Time period of the invoice

Invoices are issued monthly. They cover:

  • reimbursement costs (provider practice prescribing and resources centrally retained) for the month specified on the invoice
  • remuneration costs (dispensing fees and patient charges) for the previous month

These charges are made in arrears. For example, April remuneration costs will appear on May’s invoice.

Calculation of dispensing fees

The remuneration cost covers fees paid to the contractor for the services provided in dispensing the prescription. 

These fees are then charged back to the prescriber organisation, either directly for item level fees, or shared using a specified sharing method for fees which cannot be directly linked to a prescriber or organisation.

The sharing methods used for each element in the Remuneration Report are specified in the remuneration report glossary (Excel: 168KB).

Remuneration cost are labelled as dispensing fees on the provider invoice.

What the reimbursement cost includes

Reimbursement covers the cost of the drugs dispensed on the prescription form.

The price reimbursed is based on the following calculation and will be shown in lines 1 to 4 of the Itemised Prescription Payment report (IPP) for identified prescribing.

  • Net Ingredient Cost (Drug Tariff Part II, clause 8) of the drug
  • Less the National Average Discount Percentage (NADP)
  • Plus Payment for Consumables (previously known container allowance Drug Tariff Part IV)
  • Plus Out of Pocket Expenses (Drug Tariff Part II, Clause 12)
  • Plus Payment for Containers (Drug Tariff Part IV)

More detailed information about which drugs have been prescribed and a breakdown of the costs, with the exception of payment for consumables, is available on ePACT2.

Provider organisations will also receive a percentage share of reimbursement costs which cannot be directly attributed back to a prescriber or organisation. 

These costs fall under the category ‘elements for which resources have been retained centrally’ on the IPP Report and include costs for:

  • VAT
  • nationally unidentified prescribing
  • broken bulk
  • schedule adjustments
  • unidentified hospitals
  • net of cross boundary costs
  • out of pocket expenses and payment for containers for national unidentified prescribers

Elements for which resources have been retained centrally are included in line seven of the IPP report and are shared on cost across all Sub Integrated Care Board Locations (SICBLs) (previously CCGs) and provider organisations.

No breakdown of this section is available.

You can view more information on how the IPP report is broken down.

Guidance for reconciling invoices received before April 2015

Before April 2015, separate invoices were issued for Hospital Units and Provider Organisations.

The guidance will assist in reconciling both Hospital Trust and Provider Organisation invoices.  

If your Hospital Trust also have provider cost centres registered under it, 2 invoices will be received. The guidance will allow you to reconcile the total of both invoices combined.

How to reconcile your invoice  - Prior to April 2015 (Word: 980KB)