We have migrated this data to the Open Data Portal. It can be accessed on the new Hospital Prescribing Dispensed in the Community page.
We have been working with NHS Improvement to produce a data set on prescribing in a hospital setting which has been dispensed in the community.
The data is related to items prescribed and dispensed in England.
The data fields include:
- period name
- BNF name
- BNF code
- hospital trust code
- hospital trust name
- quantity
- total quantity
- total items
- total actual cost
- total NIC
You can read our guidance document (Word: 249KB) which will help you understand the data.
To access and download the data via the Open Data Portal go to the Hospital Prescribing Dispensed in the Community page.
The Open Data Portal (ODP) is the new home for all open datasets published by the NHSBSA and we have migrated this dataset to improve how you can access it. The ODP provides download and API access to our data and accompanying metadata.
You can find out more about the Open Data Portal on our documentation pages.