The ‘Opt-out rates for ESR employees eligible for the NHS Pension Scheme’ report provides insight about eligible employees choosing to opt out of the NHS Pension Scheme. The report provides estimates about:
- opt-out trends over time
- how the opt-out rate is influenced by varying demographics (such as age, pay scale and disability)
- opt-out rates across geographic areas
- the reasons why employees are opting out of the Scheme
- opt-out rate trends and reasons for leaving at organisation level
These insights can be used by NHS Pensions, the Scheme Advisory Board, NHS employing organisations, DHSC and NHS England to help inform policies, planning and promote NHS Pension services.
Opt-out rates for ESR employees eligible for the NHS Pension scheme – December 2024
This report shows opt-out estimates for the 24 months to December 2024. It will be updated each month, and the next report is expected to be published on Tuesday 22 April 2025.
Changes to opt-out data reporting
From 18 November 2024, the way NHS Pension Scheme opt-out data is reported has changed. The source of NHS Pension Scheme opt-out data is changing from Compendia to Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and now includes all employees eligible for the NHS Pension Scheme. Data issued prior to and after the change is not comparable.