Forms you need to manage a member’s pension record.
Contact details
Employers should use Pensions Online (POL) to produce an estimate where possible.
If you don’t have access to POL or you need a manual calculation, you can use these forms:
Request for an estimate of benefits (AW295) (PDF: 203KB)2015 Scheme - Request for an ill health or redundancy estimate of benefits (AW295) (PDF: 261KB)
For those without access to Pensions Online / Electronic Staff Record
Joining or rejoining the NHS Pension Scheme (SS10) (PDF: 181KB)Joining or rejoining the NHS Pensions Scheme (SS10GP) (PDF: 171KB)Joining or rejoining the NHS Pension Scheme (SS14) (PDF: 183KB)Joiner Excel spreadsheet (Excel: 64KB)Employer guidance for joiner Excel spreadsheet (PDF: 334KB)
Notification to Paymaster of an NHS pensioners re-employment:
Re-employment of a NHS pensioner (PDF: 214KB)
Notification to Paymaster of a change in circumstances for a re-employed NHS Pensioner:
Change of circumstances for a re-employed NHS pensioner (AW140A) (PDF: 118KB)
Change of employment details (SD55E) (PDF: 118KB)Change of personal details (SD55G) (PDF: 103KB)Changes to financial information Excel spreadsheet (SD55E) (Excel: 63KB)Employer guidance for changes to financial information Excel spreadsheet (SD55E) (PDF: 139KB)
Leaver Excel spreadsheet (Excel: 85KB)Employer guidance leaver Excel spreadsheet (PDF: 186KB)
Protection of Pay
For all protection of pay and voluntary protection of pay requests
Please read the factsheet before making an enquiry
Use the Request to protect Pensionable Pay (SM R9 EA) form (Word: 255KB)
Mental Health Officer and Special Class Status
Request for Mental Health Officer status - Automatic grades (SM333) (Word: 107KB)Request for Mental Health Officer status - Trainee / Qualified Clinical Psychologists (SM215) (Word: 327KB)Request for Mental Health Officer status - non-automatic grades (SM1) (Word: 107KB)Request for retention of Mental Health Officer / Special Class status on promotion to a manager (SMR) (PDF: 241KB)
Membership enquiries
Options on leaving
Retirement benefits claim form (AW8) (PDF: 708KB)AW8/AW8P/AW8PC Member checklist (PDF: 178KB)AW8 annex (PDF: 589KB)AW8 supplementary form (PDF: 103KB)AW311 supplementary form(Excel: 57.1KB)Fixed Protection - Benefit Accrual Declaration (FPBA1) (Word: 220KB)Consideration of entitlement to ill health retirement benefits (AW33E) (PDF: 619KB) AW33E Employer Checklist (PDF: 204KB)Guidance notes for the registered medical practitioner completing form AW33E Part C (PDF: 184KB)Redundancy supplementary information checklist (Word: 139KB)Retirement on grounds of interests of efficiency checklist (Word: 300KB)Partial retirement supplementary form (PDF: 190KB)Concurrent pensionable employment (AW343) (PDF: 206KB)Final pay controls supplementary form (FPC1) (PDF: 328KB)