The Public Service Pensions Remedy and pension tax
Some members affected by the Public Service Pensions Remedy, also known as McCloud, will need to update their pension tax information with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
This is because, as part of the remedy, these members have had their pensionable service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 moved from the 2015 Scheme to the 1995/2008 Scheme.
This move may have changed their pension tax position for the tax years 2015/16 through to 2021/22 and could mean they have an annual allowance tax refund to claim, or a small number may have extra tax to pay.
We will send you a Remediable Pension Savings Statement (RPSS) as soon as possible if your service has moved back to the 1995/2008 Scheme and:
- you went over your annual allowance limit in any tax year from 2015/16 to 2021/22, or you are over the standard annual allowance limit in the tax year 2022/23
- and you have not claimed any of your pension benefits yet, or you retired on or after 1 October 2023
While many will find there is little or no change to their pension tax position, all members who receive an RPSS should follow the steps explained on this page to check with HMRC.
Your Remediable Pension Savings Statement (RPSS)
The HMRC 'Calculate your public service pension adjustment' tool
Your 2023/24 tax year Pensions Savings Statement (PSS)
Members whose annual pension growth exceeds the standard annual allowance limit in a tax year are sent a Pension Savings Statement (PSS). This helps you to understand whether you have an annual allowance tax charge, declare your pension growth on your annual Self Assessment for HMRC, and pay the tax charge, if one applies.
For members affected by the Public Service Pensions Remedy, also known as McCloud, if you need a PSS for the 2023/24 tax year we will send it after you have received your RPSS.
If you have not yet had a Pension Savings Statement for 2023/24
We have been working to make sure members requiring both an RPSS and PSS receive them as soon as possible, but we are sincerely sorry to say that it is taking longer than we planned. All Public Service Pension Schemes are facing similar challenges around timings, so we are speaking with them regularly to make sure shared guidance is available for affected members.
Members who are expecting a PSS for the tax year 2023/24, who have not already received an RPSS, will start to receive these from February 2025. As there is no extension to the 31 January 2025 deadline for Self Assessment tax returns, we have worked with HMRC to agree the following guidance.
NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) 2019/20 Pensions Annual Allowance Charge Compensation Policy
You could be compensated in retirement for any reduction to your NHS Pension Scheme benefits if the calculation results page of the HMRC tool says you have a new or extra annual allowance charge for tax year 2019/20, and
- you are a clinician in England
- you have elected for the scheme to pay this charge to HMRC by Scheme Pays
You can find more information about the 2019/20 Pension Annual Allowance Charge Compensation Policy, whether you are eligible and how to apply on the NHSE website.
This page was last updated on 14 March 2025.