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Useful information for pensioners

P60s and Advice of Payments

P60s and Advice of Payments (AOPs) will typically arrive by the end of May. These will be sent in batches with the 2025 Pensioner newsletter.
Only contact us if you have not received your pack by 1 June 2025.

Your NHS Pension is paid into your nominated bank account in equal amounts on the same day each month.

Your payment date is on your award letter.

NHS pensions are subject to an annual increase which is based upon the consumer price index (CPI) as laid down by HM Treasury every year. 

The increase for 2025 will be 1.7%.

The increase will be applied to your pension at the beginning of April in the new tax year.

You’ll receive an ‘advice of payment’, detailing your new rate and percentage increase in your April and May payments.

You can also read our new frequently asked questions guide on pensions increase and P60s: 

Pensions Increase and P60s FAQ (PDF: 274KB)

HMRC tells us how much tax to deduct from your pension.

If you have questions about which tax code you’re on or tax liability, you can contact HMRC by:

Telephone: 0300 200 3300

Find out about call charges

You can write to:
HM Revenue & Customs,
Pay As You Earn,
PO Box 4000,
CF14 8HR

You’ll need to quote your National Insurance number and PAYE reference, which can be found on your pension advice note or P60.

You might also need your NHS pension membership number. This normally starts with the letters SD. You’ll find it on your award letter.

Each year we will send you a P60. The P60 includes information about the pension we have paid you and the tax deducted during the tax year.

You will typically receive your P60 by the end of May.

The amount before tax shown on your P60 is usually different from the yearly rate paid for most of that year.

This is because either:

  • your pension started during the tax year
  • it was not paid in full for the whole of the tax year

For any queries about your P60 contact HMRC.

You can also read our new frequently asked questions guide on pensions increase and P60s: 

Pensions Increase and P60s FAQ (PDF: 274 KB)

We’ll only send you a monthly payslip if there's been a change to your pension, usually because of a tax code change or you have received Pensions Increase.

Contact us if you need to request a payslip.

Payslips can only be issued for the current tax year. This runs from April until March.

We’re required by law to attach court fines to pension records if notified by the proper authorities.

The contact details of the organisation applying the fines will be on your award letter.

For further information or to question the application of the fine, you must contact this organisation.

We don’t have access to the specific details of the fines applied to your pension.

This order is made by the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission under child support law.

Their details will be on your award letter.

For further information or to question the application, you must contact them.

We don’t have access to the specific details of the fines applied to your pension.

Information about the Lifetime Allowance is available in our member hub.

When applying for your pension you might have chosen to make voluntary deductions to go to the British Health Care Association.

Details of the voluntary deductions are on your pay slip. These deductions will normally be made monthly.

If you want to cancel or change these deductions, you must contact us.

The full list of organisations you can make voluntary contributions to is in the retirement guide.

We’ll send you a newsletter every year with your P60.

You can read our newsletter:

2024 Pensioner Newsletter (PDF: 311KB)2023 Pensioner Newsletter (PDF: 306KB)2022 Pensioner Newsletter (PDF: 398KB)2021 Pensioner Newsletter (PDF: 1.12MB)

It's important that you tell us about a change of address or personal details so we can keep our records up to date.

If we're unable to contact you, we may use the services of a third party to check the address shown on your credit history record to see if the address they hold is more up to date. Failure to maintain contact may lead to a suspension of your pension benefits. 

This will leave a 'soft trace' on your credit record and will be visible to you if you access your credit report.

This does not affect your credit rating.