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Employer news

Showing: 10 of 637 articles

GP Practice Manager Events - Level 2

16th August 2021

The NHS Pensions Stakeholder Engagement Team are delivering Level 2 GP Practice

PCSE application window for Pensions Annual Allowance Charge Compensation Scheme forms opening 2 August 2021

16th July 2021

GPs in England who have an annual allowance charge for 2019/20 and wish to apply to the 2019/20 Pension

Year end update for employers

12th July 2021

We would like to remind all employers that the deadline for submitting year end

Kickstart Scheme

12th July 2021

The Kickstart Scheme is a government funded scheme to create new jobs placements

Claims for repayment of initial or limited survivor pension paid to widow, widower or civil partner

12th July 2021

The NHS Pensions Operational Finance team has fully transitioned to using a paperless

Changes to final pay controls and how to apply for retrospective charges to be reassessed

2nd July 2021

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) recently published the outcome of its consultation on

Access to POL - urgent action may be required

30th June 2021

Due to some employers having issues connecting to POL, we have been advised to amend the IP Address we use

Employer reminder - annual allowance information required

30th June 2021

Employers are required in legislation to provide information to NHS Pensions which enables pension savings